Cosplay Contest

Parkersburg Pop Con Cosplay Categories

NOTE: Any cosplay contestant wearing a costume that has previously won at any other convention must enter into the exhibition category

Exhibition Category:

  • This category is for individuals who wish to have fun and not compete for awards. 

  • This category is also for individuals who have purchased their costume from a store or a costume/cosplay maker.

Novice Category: 

A novice has little/no experience in costuming. They display basic knowledge of construction, design, and materials.

  • Age Range: 14+ 
  • At least 20% of the costume must be made or customized in some way by the wearer.

  • They have also never won a major prize at a previous regional convention.

Journeyman Category: 

Individuals display intermediate knowledge of construction, design, and materials.

  • Age Range: 14+
  • An individual who is not professional costumer.
  • A person who has won no more than three major prizes at previous conventions, 
    such as placing first in their category. 

  • At least 40% of the costume must be made by the wearer.

(All custom work done by another individual must be properly credited.)

Master Category:

Individuals display advanced mastery knowledge of construction, design, and materials.

  • Age Range: 14+ 
  • An individual who has won four or more times as a Journeyman, who has professional qualification as a costumer, or who has won Best in Show at any other major convention.

  • At least 70% of the costume must be made by the wearer. 
    (All custom work done by another individual must be properly credited.)


Best Prop:

  • Encompasses all accessories not directly attached to costume of cosplay.  

  • Item will be judged on quality of build, materials used, and uniqueness of prop.  


Youth Award:

  • Age Range: 13 and under

  • Special consideration will be given to self-made costumes or ones constructed with the help of an adult. 

Parkersburg Pop Con Cosplay FAQ

Q: What time does the cosplay contest start?

  • Youth Contest will start at 1 pm on the main stage.
  • Pre-Judging for the Adult Cosplay Contest will from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
    Individuals who which to enter the award categories of the Cosplay Contest must go through prejudging.
  • Adult Cosplay Contest will start at 4 PM on the main stage. 


Q: Are there costume rules or guidelines?

A - Simply put, your costume and its accessories MUST comply with the local laws and campus rules where the convention is being held. We insist that your costume not have any parts or accessories that can readily cause harm to you, or any of your fellow con goers. No real weaponry (live firearms, sharp blades, etc.) may be carried. We request that all prop firearms have Blaze Orange Tips so that they are easily identifiable. No parts of your costume can fire, spray, shoot, or ignite. YOUR COSTUME MUST BE APPROPRIATE FOR ALL AGES. Use common sense. If you have any worry that a part of your costume might cause a problem or get you thrown out of the convention, arrested, or injured, please leave it home.

Q: Weapons Policy:

In order to assure that everyone who visits Parkersburg Pop-Con has a safe and enjoyable time, we have decided to institute a weapons policy, effective immediately.

• All weapons must be inspected prior to entry.
• Actual firearms of any sort are prohibited on the campus.
• Simulated weapons for cosplay purposes will be allowed, but must be non-firing.
• If you are found with an unauthorized weapon inside the show, you will be escorted to security and then removed from the premises.
• If you have a weapon that does not pass inspection, you will not be allowed entry into the show. You may return the weapon to your vehicle and then you will be allowed entry into the show. If you are not sure about a weapon, or have a weapon that does not meet these policies, please leave it at home in order to assure entrance.

Thank you in advance for complying with this policy, and we look forward to seeing you at Parkersburg Pop-Con!


If you do not want to have your costume props inspected, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume props to Parkersburg Pop Con. All costume props and weapons must be inspected when asked to do so.


Q: Is photography permitted inside of the convention?

Yes! Photography and personal video’s are permitted and encouraged. Parkersburg Pop-Con also has several SnapChat filters available for your use. All that we ask is that you please be considerate when taking photographs by being brief and not blocking traffic. If you intend to use a photograph or film for anything other than private viewing (e.g. online photo album, blog, online video archives, etc.), please ask the subject(s) for explicit permission to post their image, or video. Please note that photographs and footage of the convention and attendees will be gathered by our Staff to be used for various projects such as advertisements or future programming guides, and that purchasing admission for Parkersburg Pop-Con constitutes consent to be filmed or photographed.

Cosplay is not Consent!

Please keep your hands to yourself. If you would like to take a photo, or video, of another attendee, please always ask first and respect that person’s right to say NO. Anyone found to be harassing other con-goers will be asked to leave the premises. When at Parkersburg Pop Con (PPC), be respectful, be nice, be cool and be kind to each other.  


Last modified: 5/2/2024